Ye Olde Crime is the brain child of sisters Lindsay Valenty & Madison Stangl — two Midwestern girls interested in the spooky, strange, and surreal stories of the past.

Lindsay loves all things true crime

Like seriously — it’s a bit of a problem.

Her obsession with all things strange started as a free-range 80’s kid, reading books on aliens, Mothman, and other cryptids at the local library. Of course, being able to see ghosts might have also had something to do with it.

Nowadays her passion for reading (like, a lot of reading - so much reading) and history has become a Venn Diagram with true crime to form this pet project.

When not talking into the void, she spends time with her family, reads (I know, shocker), and overall just the usual things a stressed and coffee obsessed Mom does.

Madison loves a good story

With a love of similar podcasts, Madison listens during her commutes and cleaning days to laugh along and unwind. 

Horror movies? Never.

Murder podcasts? Can't. Get. Enough. 

Between playing ball with her service dog Willy, to reading and replicating recipes from the famed Great British Bake-Off, her love of crime and cookies have her well on her way to being a spoopy stepmom. 

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